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TOGETHER ON OUTDOOR STAGE: Arve Tellefsen and Alexander Rybak. Photo: VG |
Tellefsen and Rybak together on stage
(VG Nett) The Chamber Music Festival provides extra security crew when two popular violinists share the stage outdoors in August.Author: Øystein David Johansen | Published in vg.no | May 22, 2009 | Translated by Mónika Menyhért
(who is not native in either of these languages, so any correction is welcomed and appreciated)
On August 20th, MGP hero Alexander Rybak shares the stage with another, older violin hero. Together with the dance group Frikar, Barratt Due's Junior Orchestra, father Igor Rybak's Vivaldi Orchestra, Rybak will perform on the same stage as Arve Tellefsen.
- I've been following Alexander for a long time and it's not every day a classically trained violinist goes top in the Melody Grand Prix. He is a good ambassador for joyful playing and I look forward to playing with him, says artistic director of the festival, Arve Tellefsen.
Igor Rybak also wants to bring his own orchestra, the Vivaldi Orchestra. In addition to listening to the song "Fairytale" again, the audience will experience Alexander Rybak and Arve Tellefsen performing Bach's Double Concerto in d minor for two violins.
A video of their rehearsal and a short interview with Alexander with English subtitles
The Chamber Music Festival is excited about what's expecting them, having seen the wild conditions around Alexander Rybak on Sunday at Gardermoen, on Monday in Nesodden and on Wednesday night in Tønsberg.
- We are excited even what we can expect. We have an audience that usually comes to our concerts, and then we have all those who showed up at Gardermoen and in Tønsberg. It can be an exciting mix, says Inger Kolberg, general manager of Oslo Chamber Music Festival to VG Nett.
The chamber music audience doesn't have a habit of being as wild as those who showed up at Gardermoen?
- No, not usually, but there can be wild excitement about a string quartet too, even if they don't used to run towards the stage says Kolberg, who is reckoning with a slight cultur crash.
Do you hire an extra security staff after seeing what happened this week?
- Yes, we usually have security staff, but we will also work with those around Alexander Rybak to see what kind of experience they have. This is going to be a useful experience for everyone!
Before the chamber concert, however, there is enough to keep our new superstar busy. On Saturday he performs in a big Dutch TV show, as well as on a promo visit on German TV this weekend.
He then sets out on a long Norwegian tour. The upcoming tour starts in Sarpsborg on June 6th and ends in Gjøvik on September 18th.
And here you can see a few short videos of their performance related to in this article, on the concert in Oslo at Akershus Festning:
Bach's Double Concerto in d minor for two violins
"Time To Show Off!" 1 - violin fun
"Time To Show Off!" 2
These two highly talented and Norway's most virtuoso violinists belonging to different generations, have shared the stage several times since then.
Also this year, 2019 at the established classical musical event, the annual Oslo Chamber Music festival.
And Arve Tellefsen also performed at the 60-year-anniversary concert of Alexander's dad Igor Rybak, on the May 15th 2014 in the Oper House Oslo
Watch videos from that event in this YouTube-playlist
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