BEFORE "Fairytale"

Before Alexander Rybak's fairy tale began...

- Videos and articles from before the victory in Eurovision 2009 Moscow -

All his fans know Alexander mainly as the Great Winner of the Eurovision Song Contest  Moscow 2009 with his own-composed, legendary song "Fairytale".

But as you can see in his biography, he showed his musical talent and great spirit from an early age, when played concerts and went on concert tours with his family.
Find reviews and old photos from those events (1996-2011) HERE

He even got several awards already before he became world-famous, like the Hedda Prize (the most renowned award for a stage actor in Norway).So appeared he in the media when participating in talent shows like
"IDOL" and "Kjempesjansen", in related TV-shows with interviews etc., before his Big Musical Adventure - thanks to "Fairytale" - began.

There are quite a few videos of these media appearances to find on YouTube that are gathered on a video-playlist you find here below.
It will be updated, as soon as a "new-old" video pops up..  
Find  articles and concert reviews from the times before he created "Fairytale" HERE

Read an article about
- how actually did his "fairy tale" start, 
- what were his plans and ambitions back then
- what did inspire him and whose advice he listened to while working on the song and performance which ended up with this huge success HERE

Alexandert leginkább minden idők legnagyobb Eurovízió-győzteseként ismerjük, aki "Fairytale" című legendás dalával megnyerte a 2009-es moszkvai Eurovíziós Dalversenyt.

De ahogy életrajzában is olvashatjuk, már jóval ezelőtt megmutatta zenei tehetségét hazájában, elsősorban tehetségkutató műsorokban tűnt fel, úgymint IDOL és Kjempesjansen ezekkel kapcsolatban TV-interjúk is készültek vele.Az ezeket megörökítő videókat megtaláljátok a lenti lejátszási listán, ami még akár újabbakkal is kiegészülhet.
Ezek közül a 10. és 11. magyarul is feliratozva van.

VIDEOS before winning Eurovision Song Contest 2009
in this playlist:

And an single playlist of videos from a TV-show broadcast on the 15th May, just one day before the ESC finale! 🏆🎉
It is "En fes­tkveld med Bet­tan" - a joint concert with Elisabeth Andreassen, where they both performed beautiful Norwegian (folk) songs (you also find the video of the whole TV-show in the playlist above ⬆)

Itt találsz cikkeket magyarul is Alexanderről a "Fairytale" előtti időkből:
And if you want to get even more info about Alexander and his work before he won Eurovision with "Fairytale", you find lots of ARTICLES published in newspapers about him from those times


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