Summer shows of Alexander Rybak, Thomas Stanghelle and Hanne Krogh, July 2007
The Rybak- and Stanghelle musical families had already have a ten years tradition of playing summer concerts together in southern Norway, when they decided to make the eleventh a special one and to invite Hanne Krogh successful and beloved MGP- and Eurovision artist to join.
It consisted of 3 shows and took place in Arendal, Lyngdal and Kristiansand.
Below you'll find some reviews of local papers and a radio-interview that should be the oldest recording that was found with him so far.
Translated by Mónika Menyhért who is not native either in the Norwegian or in the English language, so any correction is welcomed and appreciated.
Sources of all articles and photos and the audio-file:
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TO ARENDAL: Alexander Rybak
who won Kjempesjansen on NRK
comes to Arendal Thursday
with Thomas Stanghelle and Hanne Krogh
He beat our Aslak Gjennestad - yeah, he beat everyone. Alexander Rybak went right to the top in Kjempesjansen on NRK last November. On Thursday, the 10th July he will stand on stage in Lille Torungen in Arendal culture house.
- It's difficult to effect the big band tunes I sang in Kjempesjansen as I have no big band with me. The orchestra consists of my mother and father and me - in addition to Thomas Stanghelle, but still a lot of good music, says Alexander.
It going to be a very varied programme - everything from opera via religious songs to jazz and pop.
And the whole Rybak-family stands on stage, three generations of Thomas Stanghelle's family - and Hanne Krogh. And it will definitely be a special version of "La det swinge", too.
Life has changed in many ways for Alexander after Kjempesjansen.
- Yeah, it has. I have got many invitations and there are many new ways to go, he says modestly.
But he was already before Kjempesjansen engaged in playing the role of the fiddler in the theater play "Fiddler on the Roof" at the Oslo Nye Teater in Spring 2007 - a performance that was a huge success.
- I am happy I got a new thing to do then, so I didn't have to stick to Kjempesjansen, he says.
The concert is an extension of a ten year old project Rybak- and the Stonghelle families have had in Lingdal every summer. They have had concerts there, at Stanghelle's summer place in Spind.
It has started as a little bunch of friends that became just bigger and bigger. In recent years, both Thomas and - I have done more and more on our own, but we do not forget our summer roots.
-The concerts have a cozy feel, and for me it is just as great to play for holiday audiences in Southern Norway as in Kjempesjansen, says Alexander.
Thomas Stanghelle is the man behind the opera musical about Ketil Moe. He both sings and plays. Also, his mother, Turid participates in the concert. She is opera singer. Just like her mother - Mathilde Marker - from Ramsøya in Lillesand who also had the singing as livelihood. Later in the year, the she will turn 90 years, but still performs in "Tre generasjoner".
Hanne Krogh, Thomas Stanghelle and Alexander Rybak will make it swing in Lyngdal cultural house this Sunday |
Let it swing in Lyngdal
Author: Signe Marie Rølland | Source | Excerpts | Published: 3.7.2007
On Sunday, Lyngdal is visited by one of our most loved artists. Hanne Krogh (51) is very much looking forward to singing in Lyngdal cultural house together with Thomas Stanghelle and Alexander Rybak.
Actually, Hanne Krogh's family has a rule that it must be concertfree in July, but the concept worked so exciting that she couldn't say no to this summer concert. To be able to mix the southern summer with exciting people and what she likes the best, namely standing on stage, makes the artist feel very privileged.
- To sing with two such exciting musicians was so tempting that haven't managed to say no. We come from completely different realities of music, so it wil be interestting to put it all together.
And since both Alexander and Thomas have their families with them, I might try to persuade my daughter, Amalie (14) to join on stage, says Hanne Krogh in a brief telephone interview to Farsunds Avis.
Amalie has played with Alexander Rybak in "Fiddler on the Roof in Oslo Nye Teater.
- I've seen him several times, and he just have to be seen. That he won "Kjempesjansen" is certainly deserved, says Hanne Krogh.
Looking forward
- What expectations do you have related to the concert in Lyngdal?
- I am really looking forward to it. It will be an exciting and complex concert with lots of good music and there will be no A4 concert, she thinks.
Thomas Stanghelle has promised performing a new version of "La det swinge". But it will be without Elisabeth Andreassen, second half of Bobbysocks. Because Bettan is in Sweden then.
- We will think about her, laughs Hanne Krogh. The two Bobbysocks-girls have still good contact, 22 years after they won Eurovision with the song with "La det swinge".
- It was the guys who convinced me, and it will be a special version, says Hanne Krogh and laughs even more.
"To sing with two so exciting musicians, tempted me so much that i couldn't say no"
Hanne Krogh
Sunday, July 8, besides her and the two young men, Thomas Stanghelle's girlfriend, Ingunn Roland will join on stage as well as his two older generations; mother Turid and Granny Mathilde Marker on stage. Alexander Rybak performs with his musical parents, Igor and Natasha.
- This is going to be a concert in a completely different setting than I'm used to. It will be totally unique and different. I get to sing along with two of the most exciting musicians I know, two guys who show both will and talent. They define their own goals and dare to go their own way, says Hanne Krogh.
Hanne Krogh also sang with Mathilde Marker (f.l.), Turid Stanghelle and Ingunn Roland. |
Rare concert experience
Author: Henrik Foss | Source | 10.7.2007 | Excerpts
Sunday's concert in Lyngdal culture house was a rare experience.
308 spectators were present during the event. This is the maximum that can be let in due to the fire safety. The hall only has 265 seats, so many had to settle for sitting on the stairs.
But no one thought about whether they had a seat or sit on the stairs, as the attention was directed to what was happening on the stage. It all started with the musicians and organizers Thomas Stanghelle and Alexander Rybak. They sang, Thomas played the guitar and Alexander the violin.
- We managed to stand on stage alone this long - without our moms, said Alexander Rybak, after he and Stanghelle had performed "All I have to do is dream".
And moms Turid Stanghelle and Natasha Rybak came out quickly and performed an opera piece. Mezzo-soprano Turid sang, and Natasha sat behind the piano.
Many genres
It was the eleventh year in a row when the summer concert with the families Stanghelle and Rybak was arranged. It is Thomas Stanghelle who compiled the concert program, and this year also his girlfriend Ingunn Roland joined him.
The concert had no special common theme, but contained different genres of music. Hymns, gospel, opera pieces and classical music were presented.
It was also the premiere of an Olympic song Thomas has written for a group in China. The song will be used during the 2008 Olympics.
Thomas played both the piano and guitar as usual, but also made his debut as an accordion player. Among other things, he used the instrument to present the guest artist Hanne Krogh. He had written a song for the occasion, which introduced the popular artist.
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- Standing on the same stage as Mathilde was good enough reason to come today, Hanne Krogh said at the beginning of her performance.
She sang tunes such as "Haugalandet" and "Julesterne får jeg deg". And the audience welcomed the Christmas song - despite the season.
- I just couldn't help myself. I had to include it. After all, it's fantastic to be singing at a concert that is upened up to everything. But if we look at the weather, we are closer to winter than to summer, Hanne said.
Alexander Rybak must also be mentioned. Rybak has played in the musical "Fiddler on the Roof" this autumn and is a fabulous violinist. In addition, he sings and is a humorist who always has a good comment in the store - between the acts. Rybak both played, sang and made the audience laugh during the concert on Sunday.
It was impressive to see how so many artists managed to enter the stage during the time. The show was also hundred percent completed from a to z. Everything was carefully planned, and before the ten minute break the actors ended with "We`ll meet again".
The audience was able to hear Igor Rybak, Alexander's father. He is a violinist and has his own orchestra that travels all over the world. Igor received a lot of applause for the impressive violin play. The hall also got a meeting with Chinese Mark Wang. Thomas Stanghelle has written a musical about him, "Some sunny night". It tells about the courage and spirit Wang has had and still has - after he had a serious plane crash.
"Rolf Løvland
Even after the fall of the stage curtain, there was praise - behind the scenes
- Rolf Løvland came in and congratulated us on the last performance, smiles Stanghelle.
Løvland is known as the composer behind Norway's only two winning songs in the Eurovision, "Let it swing" and "Nocturne", and has also written "You raise me up" which both Westlife, Secret Garden and Josh Groban have had success with."
And here is a radio interview with Alexander, Thomas Stanghelle and Hanne Krogh on this special summershow in NRK Radio Sørlandet on the July 6th 2007 (in Norwegian)
Hanne Krogh was a guest artist at the
exam concert of Alexander
with Barrat Due's Orchestra
at The Norwegian Opera in Bjørvika August 11th, 2009.
at The Norwegian Opera in Bjørvika August 11th, 2009.
Photo source
.... as well as at
Igor Rybak's his 60-year-anniversary concert
in 2014 in the Hotel Christiania Teater, Oslo.
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Find reviews and photos from the Rybak
and Stanghelle families' other common concerts
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