24 május 2021

Alexander Rybak and Hanne Krogh on tour in May-June 2021

Alexander and
Hanne Krogh, the two Norwegian Eurovision winners, went on tour for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions,
from 17th May to 6th June.
Tour list and dates HERE.
- Reviews, videos and photos below - 
The post will be updated.

The two are inviting people to the tour in this video on Hanne's Instagram

                            And here:

Instagram | Hanne Krogh

For photos from the premiere in the local paper "Tysvær Bygdeblad" click here:

There also was an article published in the paper issue, shared by the author Alf-Einar Kvalavåg HERE, along with his own photos.

English translation:

Home-lover Krogh and sparkling Rybak

It was an adventurous moment in the culture house when
Alexander Rybak and Hanne Krogh invited to the opening of their tour

Hanne Krogh and Alexander Rybak
Concert in Tysværtunet 1.45 hours 100 viewers (full house)
Anne Tove Øvrebø. Hibbi Mannes
 and Ingebjørg Andrea Ådnanes, choir
Svein Ragnar Myklebust, 
piano Knut Bjørnar Asphol, guitar
30 songs

If one were to have a party in the culture house, there was little doubt that the duo Hanne Krogh and Alexander Rybak were a good choice. It was a blissful wander  in two great careers.

It is a pity that only 100 are allowed to attend such a concert, because it is without a doubt music and musicians from the top shelf who have now embarked on a packed tour together.

- I am incredibly lucky to travel around with Alexander, just think about it, said Hanne Krogh.

- To be asked by Hanne to join the tour, how big is it, added Rybak, and thus everyone in the hall realized that here was a full match from the start.

Hanne Krogh brought the best
 from a large catalog over many years.

Hanne Krogh has lost her dialect long ago, but her heart, yes, it is undoubtedly Haugaland-intact. And it starts as it often does with a tribute to Haugaland, interspersed with „Mellom bakker og berg”/"Between hills and mountains" and "Tir n'a Noir". Plus a little Kolbein Falkeid and reminiscing from the time when Krogh lived in the city.

Krogh started the concert and gave it both dignity and warmth before Rybak came thundering in with his fiddle in a catching "Hungarian Suite" and some French guitar jazz, and a brilliant version of Lillebjørn Nilsen's classic "Tanta til Beate".
In other words, here it could be a bit of everything. 
Krogh had the warmth, Rybak took care of the charm, and together it worked very well.

Many have come to Tysværtunet because of Alexander Rybak.
We understand it well.
Hanne Krogh admits that it is difficult to pick out songs for only an hour and a half, when one has released so much great. But they had found a thread, and with wonderful  small talk, we sat there and pampered ourselves for this hour and a half. But since it was May 17th, an extra quarter was added, and what a quarter!
First we were reminded of Korslaget and Team Hanne when the choir ladies took us in an amazing "You raise me up", because we got Bobbysocks in both Norwegian and English with "Waiting for the morning". And with that, I noticed that the hall really came to life. It was a taste for the long-long road of the melody of the Grand Prix theme.

"Nocturn" opened that bit with a great version served by the whole gang, before it took off with "Let it swing" until you lose all control. But they rowed well ashore on what became an adventurous final salute of a version of Rybak's winning tune, "Fairytale". 
Exactly then, it felt like we had been to something really big in Tysværtunet again. After all these sad months. The two grand prix winners were exactly what we needed.

The song selection was good, the musicians of the best kind and the choir ladies, locals all, know their job. Can it go wrong then?

Well, when two such experienced artists meet, they have to be careful not to fall into the routine trap. In Tysværtunet, it was the start of the tour and some nerves about it all. Thus, they had to take in a little extra, improvise a little when there were technical challenges, or when one wondered if it was Krogh or Rybak who would sing. Such is nice and real and raised the mood. They seemed genuinely happy to finally be allowed to spread joy again.

Anne Tove Øvrebø was in place in Hanne's choir, as usual

- We have noticed during the whole rehearsal period that now everyone is really excited about playing concerts. We have a tight program and hope and believe in big audience in the halls. At least we are ready and bubbling over with enthusiasm. And the start here at home was absolutely great. I think we got the songs in a nice way, and we saw that they in the hall were on the notes, says Anne Tove Øvrebø from Bokn. 

Together with Hibbi Mannes and Ingebjørg Andrea Adnancs who were all part of "Team Hanne" in "Det store korslaget", she was banded together with the musicians Svein Ragnar Myklebust piano and Knut Bjørnar Asphol guitar.

Apart from the two mentioned Grand Prix hits, the songs "Klovnen" and "Ikke gi deg jente" were the ones that made the most impression. And it is good to stand out in this concert, because here were many good memories.

(The translator of this article is not native either in the Norwegian or the English language, so any correction is welcomed and appreciated.)

Photos here as well, in the FB-post
of Knut Bjørnar Asphol (click on the photo for them)

Videos from Sola, from the Instagram-story of Sandnes Kulturhus

<-- Videos from the concert in Stord

Videos from the concert in Ulsteinvik --> "La det swinge" by Bobbysocks and Alexander playing Schindler's list theme by John Williams

<--- A video from the concert in Åndalsnes

A video from the concert in Førde -->
'Kan eg gjørr någe med det' - A song by Sigvart Dagsland

<--- Photos by Svein Nesbakk from the concert in the Operahuset, Oslo

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