12 március 2020

Stig Werner Moe - artist colleague and friend of Alexander Rybak

It was Stig Werner Moe, future actor/entertainer colleague and friend of Alexander who parodied him as the first one after his huge victory in Eurovision Song Contest 2009 in his show "Sommerlatter" in the comedy series "Latter" in Oslo, on the 2nd June 2009.

At that time they would have hardly imagined that they both will share the stage 10 years later, when Stig Werner was playing one of the leader roles Hulder King in Alexander's musical "Trolle and the magic fiddle" performed in December 2019 in the Kilden Theater Kristiansand, Norway.

And the show got great reviews in many papers as you can see in this pictures' captions:

Sources of the picure captions:
- tv2.no
- Østlands-Posten
- VgNett
- Aftenposten
- gd.no

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