06 augusztus 2019

EN || Alexander Rybak in the main role of the musical "When the colors disappeared", 10.9.2011

Alexander and the young musical talents of the Nannestad Kulturskole made two successful shows of the musical

Da fargene forsvant / When the colors disappeared

in the Ullensaker Kulturhus, Jessheim, Norway on the September 11th 2011

Videos and photos below ⤵

The plot of the musical:
Some thieves have stolen all the colors of the village and the people are beginning to lose hope and courage. But behind every gray facade, colors glow among the people and a rescue is on the way.
"Alexander Rybak holds one of the lead roles in the musical "When the Colors Disappeared", and uses his multi-talent in both acting, singing and violin playing. Together with talented soloists and choristers from Nannestad Kulturskole, this is a musical performance packed with lots of energy and a good message. The show has already played for full house in Captain Sabeltann's Kjuttavika (Kristiansand Dyrepark), and the ensemble is now ready to host more local venues.
The script and idea was made by Marit Sæther and Ellinor Lauritzen from Nannestad. 
The music is delivered by skilled freelance musicians from Nannestad, Skedsmo and Leirsund. Among other things, well-known Disney songs with new Norwegian text are being performed. 
The singers come from The Young Northern Voice, and are a singing group of singer talents aged 7 - 19 from Nannestad Culture School."

Report and interview with Alexander and the children when rehearsing 
with English and Russian subtitles

And here are two fan videos from the show

And a little fan report below this video on YouTube:
"..so, did you think that school performance is something we have to treat with grace as well as I did? ;) Traveling nearly 1500km to see Alexander working with kids. Something what I wanted to see just "to know", how it looks and to try to understand why he is doing it...and wow..what a surprise! It was real musical show...with amazing songs, great voices..really nothing was missing :)..Well, this is known melody and it can look like Alexander was leading whole performance himself, but soon I will ad videos, which will show you, how talented those children are and that there is a real piece of original work in it..."
His own song "Roll With The Wind" 
was also involved and performed in the show

More videos in this playlist:              ⤵


Find ALEXANDER's other works as an ACTOR 

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